City Energy

Green Deal FAQ

Green Deal Finance (FAQs)  

Can only homeowners apply for Green Deal Finance?
No, Green Deal Finance is designed for tenants, landlords and homeowners who wish to improve their home with energy efficient improvements. Tenants do need their landlords consent and vice versa.

Can only homeowners request a Green Deal Assessment?
No, Green Deal Assessments are available to tenants, landlords and home owners just like any other energy home assessment.

Are Green Deal Assessments really expensive?
Although some assessors are charging more than £100 to survey the home and determine its suitability for measures, not every organisation is charging this. Some customers are able to reclaim the assessment cost if they choose to carry out the improvements.

Who can install Green Deal products for me? 
This Green Deal installations and products are tightly controlled. Only installation companies like City Energy with the Green Deal Quality Mark, approved by the Green Deal Oversight and Registration Body and authorised by the Secretary of State are able to do this for you. Installers with the Green Deal Quality Mark are listed with the products they install on Green Deal Participant Register

Will Green Deal Finance put me into debt?
Not necessarily – Green Deal Finance is calculated so that people will only pay back what they save through their energy bills. There is no exacting guarantee as energy savings also depend on how you use your home after the works have been carried out. If the way in which you use energy changes dramatically then so will your energy bills. 

Will I really feel the financial savings benefit?
It will take a while and depends on how you use energy in your home after the work is done. The loan is repaid bit by bit through your energy bills. Depending on the type of work you have had, this could be as little as 2 years and up to 25 years. 

Will the cost savings be the same every month?
This is unlikely due to a number of factors, mainly because it will be based on average savings predictions.

Predictions will take many things into consideration, including the size of the property, number of rooms not heated, the thermostat setting, hours heating is used and the average occupancy of the property. 

Can I benefit from the Green Deal even though my home is insulated already?
People can take advantage of far more than insulation installation through the Green Deal. As well as loft and cavity wall insulation, the scheme can pay towards the cost of underfloor heating, new boilers, double glazing, draught-proofing and even solar panels, plus many more energy-efficiency measures.

Does the loan stay with me, even when I move?
The Green Deal Finance loan is actually attached to the properties electricity meter, not the person. The loan is attached to the person responsible for the electricity payments at any time. So, while you live at the property, you are responsible for the payments. Once you move, the new residents will be responsible for payments during their stay at the property. 

Keep in mind, if you do not settle your energy bills in full for your time in the Green Deal home then this debt will remain with you – not the new occupier.

What happens if I move house?
The Green Deal is tied to your electricity meter (i.e. your home), not to you, so if you sell your property or a new tenant moves in, the debt will pass on to the next person.

If you do decide to sell or let out the property, you will need to disclose the details of the Green Deal payments to the incoming bill payer. This is crucial as otherwise you will be responsible for the repayments.

Is the Green Deal only for those with high incomes?
Not necessarily. The Green Deal is designed to help those on low incomes as it can be used to bridge the gap between the cost of an installation and grant funding through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO). In cases where ECO fully funds any works, you won’t need to think about options like Green Deal Finance. 

Do I have to chose just one improvement?
No you don’t – people can have multiple energy efficiency improvements carried out on their property, so those who can benefit from a new boiler, cavity wall insulation and a water source heat pump can have all three installed and feel the benefit.

How much interest am I paying on my Green Deal Plan?
Green Deal Finance plans taken out until 2016 incurred a fixed interest payment of 6.96%. On the face of it, this is quite a high interest rate, however the loan is fixed – taking into account certain products are repaid over 25 years, the Green Deal Finance Company had to opt for a rate that is high enough to cover any future interest price rises by the Bank of England.

What happens if things go wrong?
The Green Deal has significant protection around it. If anything goes wrong, consumers can contact the Green Deal Ombudsman, the Financial Conduct Authority, the energy regulatory Ofgem, which will each advise them on the best course of action and provide the required support.

Can I still change my energy supplier?
Customers with Green Deal Plans can switch energy suppliers, as long the new energy supplier is a Green Deal Supplier. The Green Deal payments will then be collected by your new energy supplier. Just check with the company you want to switch to. All the bigger ones will be ready for you and even some of the smaller ones.

Can I repay my Green Deal Plan early?
Yes, you can repay your Green Deal Finance early, just like any other personal loan. Contact one of our team to discuss your situation. We will provide you with your Early Repayment value and it is your choice if you wish to go ahead or not.  There are no Early Repayment fees. You just pay what you owe. 

How much money do I need to settle my loan early?
Your settlement information shows you a single payment amount and a date by which this must be received by us. In addition to this payment, your daily Green Deal payments will continue until the date shown of the settlement information.

When do I need to send you the settlement amount for my early repayment?
Your settlement figure is valid until the settlement date shown in the information. We must have received your payment of this amount by this date for the settlement value to remain valid.

If I send you the single payment for the early repayment sooner, does this change how long the daily charge will be collected?
No. The calculation has been made on the basis that you will make the single payment by the date shown in the settlement information. You can pay the single payment at any point up to the ‘settlement date’ shown in your settlement information. The daily Green Deal Charges will continue to be collected for one month after the ‘settlement date’ shown in your settlement information.

Does the way in which I pay my electricity bill have an effect on the early settlement process?
Yes. This depends upon how you pay for your electricity and what type of meter you have:

  • You Pay For Your Electricity Using a Key or Token – Prepayment Meter
    Key – Your Supplier will update your key once the message has been delivered to them by us, this process can take up to three (3) Working Days. Once your Supplier has sent the message to your key, you will need to make regular purchases at your usual PayPoint. The minimum you can vend is £1 and we would suggest that you make several purchases over a period of time to ensure your meter is updated with the new charges.

    Token – Due to the nature of your meter, we will arrange for the update to be sent to your Supplier however, your Supplier will need to attend your property to update your charges. Your Supplier may decide that your meter will need to be changed to a Key meter to ensure future messages can reach your meter without the need for a visit to your property. Once the information has been sent, it would be recommended that your contact your Supplier to notify them that you have paid your charges, they will then arrange for an appointment to change your meter for you.
  • You Pay For Your Electricity by Direct Debit, Standing Order or When You Get a Bill – Credit Meter
    Quarterly – Your account will be updated within 12 Working Days of the message being sent to your Supplier from us. If you have a bill due to be produced within this timescale, your statement will still show that Green Deal Charges have still been applied. The amendment to this will be updated on your next quarterly statement. If there has been any overpayment, we will arrange for the overpayment to be repaid to you.

    Monthly Direct Debit – As you pay for your charges via a Fixed Monthly Direct Debit amount, your Supplier will update your account within 12 Working Days. If you have a Direct Debit which is due to be claimed from your bank account within this timescale, it may not be possible for your payment to be amended. Your new charges will however be reflected at the time of your next payment. Your Supplier will provide you with a letter advising you of your new payment arrangement once they have received notification of the cleared funds and they have updated their records and reviewed your payment schedule.

    Monthly Standing Order – As you pay for your charges via a Fixed Monthly Standing Order amount, your Supplier will update your account within 12 Working Days. If you have a Standing Order which is due to be claimed from your bank account within this timescale, it may not be possible for you to be notified in time for your next payment. Your Supplier will provide you with a letter advising you of your new payment arrangement once they have received notification of the cleared funds and they have updated their records and reviewed your payment schedule. You will need to make the amendment to your Standing Order once this has been received.

    Other payment options – Swipecards etc – Once your Supplier has been notified of cleared funds, they will write to you to advise you of your new payment schedule.

Does changing my supplier affect my early settlement?
Yes. Changing your supplier whilst an early settlement is in progress may affect how your settlement is handled. Suppliers use a flow based system to ensure your records remain up to date. If you change supplier whilst your settlement is being completed, your new/existing supplier may not receive all of the flows they require to update your records and this may therefore cause a problem.

If possible, we would suggest that you do not change supplier whilst your plan is being settled. In situations where this can not be avoided, please ensure you contact both your new/old supplier and your provider to confirm you have decided to switch and that your early repayment is in progress.

How do I change my address and personal details?
Please call us on 02920 499183 immediately and we will update your account. For other ways to get in touch see the contact us page.

How do I make a complaint? 
For full information on how to make a complaint please view our Complaints page here.

What do I do if I’m experiencing financial difficulties?
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, we would like you to get in touch with us.  Our team are here to help you. 

Please also have a look at our Debt Advice page here for further information. 

How can I contact you? 
If you need to speak to one of the team, we’re here Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm. We are closed weekends and Bank Holidays. Inbound and outbound calls may be recorded for training a monitoring purposes.

Telephone our team on 02920 499183. Opening hours are: Mon-Fri: 9am – 5.00pm, excluding Bank Holidays.

Can I download a copy of these FAQs?
Yes, you can download our FAQs by clicking this link

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